River RESTORATION Site EVALUATION and Assessment.
Starting in 2015, I began to act as co-facilitor and instructor for a river restoration site evaluation/field methods class. It is part of the Environmental Professional Program. This is the course description.
Course Description
This course will familiarize participants with the most widely-used assessment and reconnaissance methods in our region, and will provide a framework for developing river restoration assessment and monitoring plans. The focus will be on best practice methods and integrating new studies with watershed-wide and regional corridor studies. This course will feature instruction by regional experts in stream corridor evaluation/assessment techniques and modeling.
This course will familiarize participants with the most widely-used assessment and reconnaissance methods in our region, and will provide a framework for developing river restoration assessment and monitoring plans. The focus will be on best practice methods and integrating new studies with watershed-wide and regional corridor studies. This course will feature instruction by regional experts in stream corridor evaluation/assessment techniques and modeling.
Pre-Course Reading
- Grabowski, et al., 2014, Characterizing geomorphological change to support sustainable river restoration and management: WIRE’s Water 2014, v. 1, p. 483-512